Scientific articles contain valuable management implications, but are usually not very easy to digest. We summarize the core results so that you can use the latest research findings for your company.

What is the article «Salesperson communication effectiveness in a digital sales interaction» about?

The conduct of customers in the B2B sector is changing radically. For example, about 68% of B2B customers prefer negotiating with suppliers digitally rather than face to face and on location. To a growing extent, suppliers are now called upon to interact with their customers digitally, also during the sales process. The key to (sales) success depends upon how well the seller communicates in interactions of this kind.

Which factors influence the sales interaction?

In this study, the authors provide an overview of a line of research that is still in its infancy. They highlight how what a sales employee says and how they say it have an impact upon the effectiveness of a digital sales interaction. Essentially, any sales interaction – whether in person or digital – involves the exchange of a great variety of auditive and visual signals (e.g. gesture, facial expression, choice of words and volume of delivery) between the seller and the customer.

What are the key findings?

Having said that, certain signals (e.g. tonality or emotionality) are fairly difficult to get across in technology-assisted face-to-face interactions and may have an adverse impact on the effectiveness of those interactions. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning offers companies new scope for analyzing digital sales interactions in great depth, and for evaluating the effectiveness of communication involving sales staff.

What does this mean for companies? 

The following suggestions can help you to map out digital sales interactions successfully:

  • The “how” is important: Studies have shown that it is not only the content of a sales message that is important but also the manner and way in which it gets communicated. In digital settings, you should pay greater attention to maintaining a positive attitude and avoid speaking in a monotone way.
  • Customizing digital messages: Digital sales and marketing content is easy to scale and disseminate. However, you should not adopt a mass processing approach when addressing your customers. Instead, ensure that you tailor sales messages to the individual needs of your counterpart, employing your knowledge of relevant details about your customers.
  • Deploying the right tools: There is a huge range of choice when it comes to communications software and tools. You should select the tools that are most appropriate for your corporate context, and that best help you to communicate your sales message professionally.


Original text:
Bharadwaj, N. & Shipley, G. M. (2020). Salesperson communication effectiveness in a digital sales interaction. 90, 106-112. Industrial Marketing Management.