The fourth edition of this standard work on key account management has just been comprehensively updated and published. The Center for Industrial Marketing’s study “Key Account Management auf dem Prüfstand” is also taken into account to a large extent.

In the new version, the widely used St.Gallen KAM concept is simplified and more in-depth consideration is given to the following topics:

Topic #1: Leadership in KAM

Based on the Global Leadership Forecast 2018, five leadership skills for those responsible for key account management are closely examined. Their role is increasingly growing to include talent management and human resources development. However, key account managers need not only leadership and coaching, but also latitude to achieve success.

Topic #2: Managing yourself

One of the greatest challenges is managing yourself. Whether key account managers are effective over time is a question of whether they learn to better understand themselves and foster their own motivation.

Topic #3: Agile transitions of the organization into KAM

Rolling out professional key account management takes up the scarce time of key personnel involved in digitization, marketing, international sales, or innovative services. Agile procedures with sub-steps are presented as an alternative to comprehensive change. Internal and external coordination management is key for success.

Topic #4: Influences of digitization

Platforms are becoming powerful key accounts with their own way of doing things, and standardization is playing an ever-greater role. Digitization is a topic that cuts across organizational boundaries and affects all facets of key account management. That makes it vital to address the impact of digitization on value creation and future market development. The Covid pandemic is leading to additional activity in this area.

The content is demonstrated using various case studies and excursions with accompanying topics such as: Actively supporting customer processes, cross-selling and increasing success in project business.

You can order the new edition here:

Belz, Ch./Müllner, M./Zupancic, D.: Spitzenleistungen im Key Account Management – Das St. Galler KAM-Konzept, 4. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage, München: Verlag Franz Vahlen 2021.